Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our Inquiry

Us Room5ians have been partnered up with the HCC (Hamilton City Council) to promote Hamilton after a shocking statement made from the Queensland Reds.
They accused Hamilton of being noted as 'Boring' and not wanting to train in Hamilton before there encounter with the Chiefs.
This had fired us up, so we wanted to promote Hamilton to prove them Wrong.
So we earned the respect from the HCC to help them to promote Hamilton.
We've got a lady called Agent S to help us with this.
We will be presenting this as a digital story using Marvin.
Marvin is being developed as animation software.
We will be the first people to use this.
How cool is that!
Then they will be choosing from our class the top digital stories to promote Hamilton.
This is way better than just making posters.
And it also proves that little kids can shape a city.

Keep those comments coming


1 comment:

mudpies02 said...

Clap for hamiltON inquiry!! Yay!