Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Should Shop Owners Be Armed?

Shop Owners.
Ordinary people selling goods to people.
The basic foods of life for example, milk, bread.
Some consumers take them for granted.
Some even go further.
Shop Owners are fearing for their own live.
Some are even scared of coming to work because the might be murdered, raped etc...
The question is, "Should Shop Owners be armed with weapons to protect themselves?"
The death of a 30 year old man has mad me furious of hopeless, stupid people just coming into a shop the shop owner begging for his life giving them everything they wanted and just getting shot dead.
For god's sakes we have to live with these people. By the end of this crime people will move away out of their homes cause of this.
His children are asking. "Where's my dad? Where's my dad?"
They don't even know he's dead.
We live in a country.
Unfourtunatly it has to be recked by a handful of scumbags!!!
That man shouldn't of died.
It's not only his family but us.
We have to look after ourselves.
Should Shop Owners Be Armed?
Say what and why in your comments.



I_luv_animals_AKA_ashymashy said...

i totally think that some shop owners should be allowed to be armed so there insnt another insitint because i think liqour stores dairy and service stations should be allowed to be armed with guns dont you?

HamilTRON said...

Yes I do and now they want police to be armed!!!
This shows that society is getting outta control!!!!!


Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...

Too true, too true. They should be armed.